Sustainable Investment Awards 2023

ESG research of the year, Asia: ChinaBond Pricing Center

For international investors, it can often be difficult to access information on ESG policies and developments in the Chinese market. In response, the White Paper on ESG Practices in China created by the China Central Depository and Cleaning Company (CCDC) and the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA), seeks to outline the current policy developments on sustainability and ESG in the region.

The report, which was based on data collected by the ChinaBond Pricing Center (CBPC), said that the proportion of enterprises that disclosed ESG-related information has increased year-on-year and the depth of these disclosures also continues to improve.

Jie LinChinese enterprises are also implementing more ambitious policies. The report found that the environmental management capabilities and emission reduction performance of enterprises have "improved significantly" and the protection of workers' rights has also been enhanced.

Jie Lin, senior director at CBPC, told Environmental Finance that this research has been well received by international investors who are interested in contributing to China's ESG development, as it has helped provide an in-depth analysis of the state of play.

Lin said: "Hopefully this white paper may facilitate further discussion to improve the useability and effectiveness of sustainable finance regulations and practices in the global markets".

She added that it will, "continue to contribute to the high-quality development of China's financial market, work together with all stakeholders to meet the opportunities and challenges brought by the trend of sustainable development and promote the development of ESG".

CBPC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CCDC.