Sustainable Investment Awards 2023

ESG data provider of the year - Europe: NatureAlpha

NatureAlpa provides financial institutions with nature and biodiversity-related risk and impact data.

The London-headquartered company analyses the products, services, and supply chains of companies using technology such as geospatial analysis and AI. It has announced partnerships with MSCI and Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) in the last 12 months.

Also in 2022, NatureAlpha launched a biodiversity risk platform to estimate a company's nature footprint for investors.

"NatureAlpha goes beyond basic impact determination with its one-of-a-kind 'unmanaged risk module'," Liesl Blackman, data and policy analyst at the company told Environmental Finance.

The module analyses corporations' biodiversity policies as well as their involvement with organisations like CDP and scores on Global Canopy's Forest500.

"Determining a company's impact on nature goes beyond what the company themselves discloses in a policy or report. Geospatial insights can provide a new perspective on a company's footprint," said NatureAlpha's Charles Low, business development executive.

Vian Sharif, NatureAlpha's founder. added: "By integrating with traditional data, these insights can help investors identify and manage risks, opportunities, and impacts related to key elements of nature, such as biodiversity, water, and forests – and make more informed decisions about how to manage these."

"Compared to other competitors, NatureAlpha views nature and biodiversity assessments holistically – both by looking at proximity or location data and also considering the wide range of impacts that companies have on nature."