Sustainable Investment Awards 2023

ESG data provider of the year, Asia: SynTao Green Finance

Chinese data analytics firm SynTao Green Finance (STGF) won this award as a result of its wide-ranging tools which it says help investors further integrate sustainability into decision-making.

STGF's climate risk solution aims to bring together climate scenario-testing with company-specific carbon emissions, energy consumption, and financial data. This is designed to help companies manage both physical climate and transition risks.

It has also launched several other products including an ESG data feed, a database for carbon emissions estimating, and STGF ESG ratings, which it claims is the only ESG ratings assessment in China adopted by Bloomberg to serve the global market.

STGF told Environmental Finance biodiversity is also becoming an increasingly important issue and so it has further integrated biodiversity sensitivity into its climate risk scenario analysis and stress testing.

Raymond Zhang, chief executive officer, said: "This award represents STGF's efforts to promote the integration of ESG factors into business decisions through continuous innovation of ESG data and models."

He added: "It can be highlighted that we are the first integrated climate scenario analysis solution in China, providing a solid foundation for financial institutions and corporates to identify and quantify climate risks, and promote the low-carbon transition and sustainable development of China's economy".

He said he hopes the award will help make international investors aware of its tools which could be used to tap into investment opportunities in China.

STGF climate risk product team
STGF climate risk product team

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