Sustainable Investment Awards 2022

Boutique investment manager of the year - Americas: Campo Capital Colombia

Campo Capital looks to combine agriculture and forestry crops projects with carbon sequestration in one portfolio in Colombia and Peru.

Last year the Colombian government included Campo in its list of companies in growth stage, with impact, that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country.

Campo’s flagship project is called Sustainable Agroforestry in the Orinoquia (OAS), an area in central Colombia of approximately 7,500 hectares. The project aims to improve the living conditions of all local communities, protect the environment through reforestation with native species and economically develop the region with the commercialisation of products derived from cocoa and annatto, a natural dye used to colour dairy products.

OAS is sponsored by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), an intergovernmental organisation that supports sustainable economic models in developing countries, and has financed a study into OAS – which estimates the project involves at least 3.65 million verified carbon units (VCU) of carbon sequestration and has an internal rate of return (IRR) of 12.41%.

“Campo Capital has developed a sustainable agroforestry investment practice in strategic regions such as Amazonia and Orinoquia, with investors aim[ing] to obtain economic, social, environmental impact and carbon credits” said the partners of Campo Capital. “The future is now, it’s time to act and invest in our jungles, rivers, mangroves, savannahs – afterwards, [in the absence of such action] there will be nothing to restore.” 

The investment manager is yet to complete the OAS project and is seeking to attract investors, looking for carbon credits and an agroforestry development, that adhere to its principles with marketing tours. Its focus will be to keep the link between the financial resources and Colombian farmers.

Campo says its projects have provided work for more than 200 people in remote areas of Colombia and Peru.

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