Sustainable Investment Awards 2021

Investment consultant of the year: Mercer Sustainable Investment

Mercer's Sustainable Investment team, until recently the Responsible Investment team, provides consultancy advice to asset owner clients with assets under management in excess of $15 trillion.

Jillian Reid
Jillian Reid
The latest tool to be added to Mercer's climate transition advice framework is the Analytics for Climate Transition (ACT) offering. ACT will assist investors who wish to transition their portfolios to be in line with the Paris Agreement and to limit average global temperature increases to 1.5°C, which requires a 45% reduction in carbon emission by 2030. Mercer has also pledged to commit to net-zero carbon emission by 2050 in its Australia, UK, Europe and Asia portfolios, totalling approximately $70 billion.

Mercer has recently expanded its Sustainable Investment team to 25 dedicated specialists to emphasise its commitment to its environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing and provide its clients with more expertise from all over the globe in a constantly changing regulatory environment.

"With sustainable investment being a part of our investment consulting credentials we understand how sustainable investment advice fits into a client's investment process, how that sits alongside all the other investment decisions that our clients are facing," said Jillian Reid, principal of sustainable investment at Mercer. "That is the big picture that forms the sustainable investment journey we are able to take clients on and integrate ESG into their processes."

Mercer's global manager research team also evaluates more than 4,400 investment manager strategies on the extent to which they integrate ESG factors, and active ownership (voting and engagement) on a scale of ESG1 (the highest rating) down to ESG4 (the lowest rating).

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