Launched in March this year, Climate Solutions aims to provide clients with enhanced risk measurement and evaluation capabilities to help clients better quantify, manage and report climate-related risks and opportunities.
The suite integrates forward-looking, location-specific and globally comparable climate data with over 270 data points into economic and financial risk models. By doing so, Moody’s ESG Solutions can help organisations navigate the financial and social impacts of climate change and seize new opportunities for value creation.
The physical risk data includes asset-level exposure to floods, heat stress, hurricanes and typhoons, sea-level rise, water stress and wildfires as well as on-demand physical risk scoring for real assets and detailed data on sovereign's exposure to physical risk. The transition risk and climate governance data include carbon footprint, brown/green assessments, temperature alignment, energy transition and TCFD reporting data. In addition, the dataset includes model-driven predicted scores covering more than 100,000 companies.
"We're delighted that our Climate Solutions offering has won this year's award. This market recognition is testament to our team's outstanding work to continually expand our product capabilities – which combine advanced climate know-how with best-in-class economic and credit risk models," said Emilie Mazzacurati, head of Climate Solutions, Moody's ESG Solutions.
The Climate Solutions suite has been adopted by central banks, including the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bank of England and Banque de France.
"[Climate Solutions] is a highly practical tool - as reflected by its widespread use by central banks," said one Environmental Finance Sustainable Investment Awards judge. "[Moody's ESG Solutions] is one of the market leaders, with an innovative approach," added another.