Sustainable Investment Awards 2020

Boutique investment manager of the year: WHEB Asset Management

Investing solely in listed companies that address sustainability challenges, WHEB Asset Management is a specialist boutique focused on creating prosperity through positive impact investments.

Over the past year WHEB has acted upon client feedback by improving how it maps its fund, WHEB Sustainability Fund, to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This has led to it listing all its holdings and their activities that address a particular SDG.

WHEB also refined the metrics used in its impact calculator, which now has measures across three social and five environmental areas. An individual investment can be entered into the calculator to show how much has been achieved on each measure over a given period by that financing.

In addition, the firm has carried out further analysis on the fund's impact on climate change and how it can avoid greenhouse gas emissions.

The firm believes that as it takes longer-than-average holding positions and is not constrained by looking at benchmarks and short-term performance, this allows it to build more long-term relationships with portfolio companies. This approach can assist with voting and active engagement, activities for which it is guided by the frameworks of the SDGs and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Companies in the WHEB Sustainability Fund's portfolio include Smurfit Kappa, the largest producer of recycled cardboard packaging and Grand Canyon Education, which provides affordable and flexible tertiary education for students from all socio-economic backgrounds. EF

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