Sustainable Company Awards 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I enter?

A. It's easy, please visit the awards platform at:

Once there you will be asked to provide your details and then 750 word responses to specific prompts; for details on these prompts, please view the 'Categories' page.

Q. Who can enter?

A. The Awards are regional (Americas, EMEA, Asia Pacific) and anyone active in the market can submit an entry. They can either nominate themselves or another business or individual.

The nominations will be confidential, but in order to be considered, entrants must provide their contact details. Entrants may be contacted to verify their nomination or to request further information.

Q. Can I submit supporting material?

A. Yes, but the main written entry should be able to stand on its own. In the name of fairness and equality, all entries should stick to text only in the submission and any graphical information such as charts, graphs, photos and infographics should be included as supporting material. The most important point to focus on when preparing any background material and supporting evidence is that quality and relevance are the important elements, not quantity.

Q. How much does it cost to enter?

A. The Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards are free to enter – there is absolutely no charge to enter a submission.

Q. Can I enter the same company/product into more than one category?

A. Yes, provided that each entry explains why the nominee is worthy of an award in the relevant categories.

Q. When is the entry deadline?

A. The closing date for all entries is 23h59, Monday 24th June 2024.

Q. What do I get if I win?

A. Winning an Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Award marks you out as a leader in the market. You will receive exposure and recognition through the Environmental Finance website.

Submit your entry

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