Sustainable Company Awards 2023

Energy efficiency initiative of the year, global: EnerSys

EnerSys impressed the Environmental Finance Sustainable Company Awards judging panel with its EnerSys Operating System (EOS), an operational management programme designed to identify, reduce or eliminate excess waste and associated costs.

EnerSys says success is measured through waste reduction, operational change and cost savings. Since the launch of EOS in 2017, EnerSys, a global stored energy solutions provider, reports reductions in scrap, water, gas and cardboard usage as well as a cultural shift amongst its workforce.

Source: EnerSys

"With the EOS process, we are driving change throughout the entire organisation," commented Troy Baxter, director of manufacturing operations in Richmond, Kentucky.

In one Brazilian factory, wooden boxes used to transport larger batteries were swapped for wooden crates which use 32% less wood and are 26% less expensive to produce. EnerSys says this lighter weight has reduced shipping costs and lowered the firm's carbon footprint.

"EOS is a process that has helped create a culture of efficiency throughout the entire company," said Clovis Tanganelli, plant manager of Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil. "When employees feel empowered to suggest and implement changes, there are endless opportunities to seize."

Patrice Baumann, chief integrated supply chain officer at EnerSys concluded: "EnerSys is proud to be recognised for our EnerSys Operating System, or lean management programme. Our programme has created a culture of continuous improvement and waste reduction that has had a significant positive impact on our organisation. "