IMPACT Awards 2023

Venture capital firm of the year: 2150

Focusing on urban sustainability, venture capital fund 2150 aims to scale solutions in climate action, resource efficiency, and environmental protection to transform cities.

To receive 2150 funding, portfolio companies develop impact targets and reporting as well as full greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories, building to net zero commitments. In addition, they must have ESG policies that cover environmental betterment, human rights, diversity and inclusion, anti-bribery, and fair practices.

As of 2022, the 2150 portfolio reports the reduction, or removal, of 481,500 tonnes of GHG annually.

"Our companies are helping to solve some of the most pressing environmental challenges in cities, and we are happy our efforts to showcase their work are so positively received," said Peter Hirsch, head of sustainability at 2150.

2150 says its portfolio companies have developed impact targets and metrics that are linked to their financial and activity data, and regularly report outcomes and progress to their boards and investors.

As a founding member of the Venture Climate Alliance, a group of venture capitalist firms created to develop tools for early-stage companies and their investors to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement, 2150 aims to enhance best practices of start-ups.

The firm also works with its portfolio companies to make impact as central to their operations as traditional performance metrics and embed impact into company targets in order to directly tie impact with financial success.

"2150's approach is profoundly important. Their focus on urban sustainability and their framework to drive total value across financial and extra-financial performance is a standout," commented one IMPACT Awards judge.

"2150 delivers very clear and consistent information about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how much impact that creates," added another.

2150 team