IMPACT Awards 2023

Consultant/advisor of the year: Natural Investments

For over 35 years US-based investment advisor Natural Investment says it has encompassed all aspects of ESG, with dedicated investments into regenerative agriculture, as well as racial equity and worker-owned cooperatives.

"Regenerative investments" are a key focus for Natural Investments, focusing on opportunities which can "mimic" natural systems and deliver additionality impact for both the planet and the communities in which these projects take place.

These types of investments include sustainable food and forestry, renewable energy, clean technology and green building. It also looks for "new investment vehicles that decentralise and democratise the economic system and create greater community resiliency".

In 2022, it reports its regenerative investments totalled $301 million into 80 private entities, a 60% increase on the year before.

Natural Investments says between 2020 and 2022 it has doubled its investments into local communities and small businesses, taking the total to around $563 million by the end of the 2022.

Being purpose-driven has also not only been isolated to its investments. In 2023, it became the first financial services company in the US to be owned by a 'perpetual purpose trust' – made up of members of its team who act as 'stewards' overseeing the firm. Instead of being owned by a mostly white-male advisory board, it says this new model allows it to be more reflective of the gender and racial diversity within its team, which enables it to "share power and profit equally" as well as remain more independent.

One IMPACT awards judge praised the firm for its "unique" perpetual trust structure with "diverse skillsets".

Another impact investor told Environmental Finance that Natural Investments is a "true pioneer" which is working to support truly innovative products and companies, calling the advisor an organisation which is "pushing the entire financial advisory industry to be better".

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