IMPACT Awards 2023

Please ensure all entries clearly communicate how the project/asset/individual/team/initiative addresses impact factors - i.e., to create positive, measurable environmental and/or social impact or provide evidence as to why the nominee is unique and/or materially advances the field of impact investing.

Please provide impact metrics and impact outcomes realised by the entrant as well as specific examples of how impact was achieved


  • Asset manager of the year: large
    (Investors with total impact investments of $500m and above. This award is for asset managers that can claim to have advanced the cause of impact investing and made a significant contribution to people and planet.)
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Asset manager of the year: mid-size
    (Investors with total impact investments of $100m to $500m. This award is for asset managers that can claim to have advanced the cause of impact investing and made a significant contribution to people and planet.)
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Asset manager of the year: small
    (Investors with total impact investments of below $100m. This award is for asset managers that can claim to have advanced the cause of impact investing and made a significant contribution to people and planet.)
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Consultant/advisor of the year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Endowment/Foundation of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Faith-based organisation of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Investment bank of the year
    • What were your contributions to positive social/environment outcomes?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes?
  • Law Firm of the year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
    • What initiatives are you involved in.
    • How you contributed to positive impact over the past 12 months
  • Lender of the Year
    • What were your contributions to positive social/environment outcomes?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes?
  • NGO/ charity/ non-profit of the year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Pension fund of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Private debt provider of the year
    • What were your contributions to positive social/environment outcomes?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes?
  • Re/insurer of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investment
  • Family office of the year (Single or multi-family offices)
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investment
  • Sovereign wealth fund of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investment
  • Award for impact research
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Venture capital firm of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Wealth manager of the year
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investment
  • Award for impact measurement and metrics
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Award for impact reporting
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description

Individuals and teams

  • Personality of the Year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Young professional of the year/rising star (under age 40)
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Investment team of the year – asset owner
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750 850 word detailed description
    • Please include details on members of the investment team and provide details on what impact-themed contribution each member made
  • Investment team of the year – asset manager
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
    • Please include details on members of the investment team and provide details on what impact-themed contribution each member made


  • Fund of the year – private equity
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Fund of the year – listed equity
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Fund of the year – private debt
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Fund of the year – fixed income
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Fund of the year – multi-asset/othe
    • What were your outcomes through your impact investments?
    • How do you measure the outcomes?
    • Provide information on the outcomes ie tonnes of CO2 emission avoided or number of people in education/healthcare etc (qualify your outcomes)
    • Overall AUM that are impact investments
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Agriculture and sustainable land use
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project’s development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Air quality
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Arts and culture
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Biodiversity and ecosystem
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Climate
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Social inclusion/community development (includes diversity and inclusion, and employment
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Education
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Energy
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Financial Services (including fintech)
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Health
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Infrastructure (not including renewables)
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Renewables
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Oceans and coastal zones
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Pollution and waste management
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Real Estate
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success
  • Impact project/investment of the year: Water
    • Please clearly communicate how the project/investment addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
    • Please detail why the previous 12 months was particularly key to the project's development or success


  • Naturetech investment/initiative of the year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Impact investing platform of the year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • 750-850 word detailed description
  • Innovation/invention of the year
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please provide details on the positive impact the innovation has as well as it's potential. Please detail how the potential is calculated.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Global
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Africa
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Latin America and Caribbean
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: North America
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Asia
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Europe
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Oceania
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.
  • Impact initiative of the year: Antarctica
    • Three bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
    • Please clearly communicate how the initiative addresses positive outcomes and provide evidence of the impact achieved.


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