Environmental Finance's Sustainability Debt Awards cover bonds that have been given a green, social, sustainable or sustainability-linked label by the issuer or borrower.
We put them into three distinct categories, according to a bond's label. For example:
- The Green category: Includes bonds or loans labelled 'green', as well as other green labels such as Climate Awareness Bonds
- The Social category: Includes bonds or loans labelled 'social', as well as other social labels such as Education, Youth and Employment bonds.
- The Sustainability category: Includes bonds or loans labelled 'sustainable' or 'sustainability', as well as other labels such as bonds aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. This category does not include bonds or loans included in either of the previous two categories.
- The Sustainability-linked category: Includes instruments where its financial and/or structural characteristics are tied to predefined sustainability/ESG objectives. They must be measured against predefined Key Performance Indicators and evaluated against predefined Sustainability Performance Targets.
We have also further sub divided the categories into types of issuers/borrowers:
- Financial institutions
- Corporates
- Municipality – a local governing body
- US muni bond – bonds issued by local governing bodies in the US
- Sovereign – an independent country
- Supranational – a multinational organization; can either be a governmental body or non-governmental organisation
- Agency - a government-sponsored enterprise or a government department other than the Treasury.
- Sub-sovereign – subordinate to a sovereign authority, specifically designating a regional or local government body
Please nominate the instruments in the category you think they are most suited to. Please note that Environmental Finance's editorial team could move an entry to a different category.
If you think that you, a colleague, your team, your company, your client or your service provider deserve an Award for an outstanding contribution to the green, social, sustainable and sustainability-linked bond and loan market over the past year, please tell us. The information submitted must be relevant for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. For 'bond' categories, it must relate to a bond issued in the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
Each submission should explain why the nominee should win and how they have demonstrated excellence in a particular category, illustrated with case studies or deal highlights from the relevant period. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us on awards@environmental-finance.com
Please submit your entries via our Awards platform.
You will be asked to first set up a profile before you can submit an entry. To submit an entry please:
- Select a category
- Provide the nominee's name
- Provide 3 bullet points to highlight why the nominee should win
- Provide no more than 850 additional words to evidence with case studies how the highlights were achieved to demonstrate why your nominee is worthy of receiving the Award.
- In some cases, you will also be asked to list the use of proceeds or KPIs related to a transaction
(This information could be referenced by our editorial team in an Awards write-up and any subsequent editorial coverage. Please mark any sensitive information as such.)
Deadline for entries midnight (GMT) Friday 7th February 2025.