Based on its Global Aggregate Index, and incorporating sustainable debt fields for the first time, Bloomberg's Global Aggregate Green, Social and Sustainability (GSS) Bond Index aims to provide investors with a transparent and comprehensive measure of sustainable debt performance.
Inclusion in the index is based on alignment with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) principles. Beyond that, users can also access the underlying use of proceeds of eligible green, social and sustainability securities of bonds as well as their underlying security frameworks and second-party opinion reviews.
In addition, information about alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU Taxonomy is also available.
"The Bloomberg GSS Bond Index raises the bar, setting a new standard for transparency and timeliness as a benchmark of the global sustainable debt market," said Jonathan Gardiner, sustainable indices product manager at Bloomberg Index Services. "Based on the market-leading Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index and incorporating Bloomberg's rigorously evaluated sustainable debt indicators, the Bloomberg GSS index is the benchmark of choice for investors seeking the most current and accurate reflection of this rapidly growing market."
Last year, Bloomberg launched its green-tilted fixed income indices, which seek to increase weighting to green bonds in some of its flagship indices such as the Global Aggregate, Treasury and Corporate Indices.
"Bloomberg's GSS Bond Index on the Global Aggregate is a fantastic index with a lot of depth and rigor," said one Sustainable Debt Awards judge.
"[The] Index's granularity and transparency is notable, as is the alignment with ICMA and the SDGs," added another.
The GSS Index is currently comprised of 70 indices having been launched with 24.