
  • Communication on EU ESG regulation needs to improve, says Refinitiv

    04 January 2021

    Communication around the EU's sustainability regulations must improve to show they are 'not scary', Refinitiv's Elena Philipova tells Ahren Lester

  • The Future of Good: Can companies drive positive change in the post-pandemic world?

    01 January 2021

    Institutional investors can help companies adopt resilient strategies to avoid a replica of the Covid-19 crisis that they can ill afford, writes Nicola Bonucci

  • Green bond comment January 2021: Carmichael coal mine furore heralds next wave of market evolution

    31 December 2020

    An investor rebellion over financing a coal mine could herald a new dawn for the green bond market, writes Peter Cripps

  • ESG infrastructure takes root in Russia

    31 December 2020

    Russia has established a framework to 'green' the Russian economy, writes Alexey Miroshnichenko

  • In praise of cost-effective carbon markets

    30 December 2020

    Carbon markets offer the flexibility countries need to meet their NDCs, argues Jan-Willem van de Ven

  • The data provider hoping to put impact on the agenda

    29 December 2020

    The CEO of Util argues that ESG data is flawed, and measuring a company's impact on the Sustainable Development Goals can add a new dimension. Christopher Marchant reports

  • Are green bonds funding the transition?

    28 December 2020

    A new study shows weak link between companies' climate targets and green debt financing, say Gregor Vulturius and Heidi Tuhkanen

  • It's time to embrace Brazil's green economic bounce

    25 December 2020

    Government reforms and the urgent need to replace aging energy infrastructure is an opportunity to bolster Brazil's economy. The key is attracting inward investment to develop renewable capacity, argues Jamie Macdonald-Murray

  • Coal, Covid-19 and the rise of renewables

    18 December 2020

    The pandemic has given a boost to the energy transition, and it is unlikely that this trend will drop off as we move to a recovery, amid the realisation that renewables are much cheaper than 'dirty' energy sources, says Paul Flood

  • Green bond funds take varied approach to impact reporting

    17 December 2020

    As more green bond funds come to market, institutional investors are calling for more consistency and detail in their impact reports. Graham Cooper explains