
  • Funds of the year: JSS Sustainable Equity - Water

    02 February 2021

    In a tumultuous economic year, J Safra Sarasin's water fund was the best performing among its peers. Christopher Marchant speaks to lead portfolio manager Yohann Terry

  • APG, PGGM add more IT companies to list of SDG contributors

    01 February 2021

    An updated impact-focused data platform has identified nearly 200 extra companies whose products contribute to the SDGs, PGGM's Piet Klop tells Michael Hurley

  • Why the UK government should back bees over neonicotinoids

    29 January 2021

    Instead of sanctioning a bee-harming pesticide, the UK Government should transform the agricultural sector to be truly sustainable, argues Marcus Wilert

  • Social surge helps 2020 sustainable bond issuance to double

    29 January 2021

    After a record-breaking $600 billion sustainable bond issuance in 2020 in which diversification beyond green bonds gathered pace, expectations are high that the momentum will be carried into 2021. Ahren Lester reports

  • CBRE GI: 'We see opportunity in real estate impact investing'

    29 January 2021

    One of the world's largest real estate investors says residential housing and offices are fertile ground for impact investors. Michael Hurley reports

  • A green recovery strategy with real impact

    27 January 2021

    A host of eye-catching innovations await impact investors in the theme of resource efficiency, writes Rekha Unnithan

  • How advanced AI can produce the ESG data investors need

    25 January 2021

    The best way to get timely data is by combining artificial with human intelligence, says Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon

  • How to scale the carbon offset market

    22 January 2021

    The Taskforce on scaling voluntary carbon markets will next week publish its final recommendations. Annabelle Palmer spoke with market participants to hear their thoughts on the proposals outlined so far

  • Funds of the year: Active Solar

    22 January 2021

    Active Solar delivered a 170% return in 2020 - but the fund manager says it is still just the beginning. Ahren Lester reports

  • Benchmarking financial performance of impact investments

    20 January 2021

    Data providers can help investors compare the financial performance of impact investments, the GIIN's Dean Hand tells Michael Hurley