
  • Green bond comment, April 2021: Central banks and a growing 'greenium'

    07 April 2021

    With central banks increasingly active in the green bond market, should they shoulder the responsibility to moderate green bond valuations, Michael Hurley asks

  • The shifting regulatory landscape of ESG

    07 April 2021

    There are numerous ESG regulations in Europe that firms need to know about, says Karan Kapoor

  • Humanitarian & resilience investing: unlocking capital for a little known area of impact

    25 March 2021

    Addressing data gaps is key to catalysing impactful humanitarian and resilience investments, writes Katherine Garrett-Cox

  • Tilting markets towards material nature

    24 March 2021

    Simon Zadek outlines a six-part framework for reshaping markets and economies in ways that reward nature-friendly, and penalise nature-destroying, investments.

  • What is the true value of water?

    22 March 2021

    Thomas Schumann, Markus Barth and Teresa Russell reflect on how we value and manage the world's most vital resource.

  • Investors are obsessed with value - except when it comes to water

    22 March 2021

    On world water day, Stuart Orr and Brian Richter identify three ways private investment in water can be transformed for the better

  • Green bond fund assets double in 2020

    17 March 2021

    Total assets in green bond funds hit $20 billion at the end of 2020, with some funds tripling in size, Ahren Lester reports, and fund managers expect inflows to continue to power ahead in 2021

  • Green bonds in emerging markets: issuer Q&A

    16 March 2021

    In response to a recent webinar on emerging market green bond issuance we have hand-picked a selection of audience questions for webinar speakers Dirk Dijksma, head of innovation investments at Symbiotics and Shushanik Hovsepyan, head of capital markets at Ameriabank

  • SFDR will be a 'game changer' for sustainability reporting

    16 March 2021

    The EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is now in play after a long gestation, and carries potential for standardisation and prevention of greenwashing. Christopher Marchant reports

  • London pooling

    15 March 2021

    A pool of London pension schemes is overhauling its responsible investment strategy, including managing climate risk and investing for impact, writes Michael Hurley