
  • Green bond comment, May 2021: Is it the time of consolidation rather than proliferation of bond labels?

    05 May 2021

    There are early indications that the market is looking to consolidate existing sustainable bond labels rather than add further ones to the mix. Ahren Lester asks whether this is a worry for the future of the market

  • The role of ESG in delivering IPO success

    05 May 2021

    How do public and private markets differ in their approaches towards ESG, asks Joshua Brunert

  • Tackling the plastic problem

    03 May 2021

    Opportunities to invest in companies that provide solutions to the plastic problem are growing, say Lucy Mortimer and Justin Guest

  • Lack of legislation on sustainable bonds - opportunity or disadvantage?

    30 April 2021

    Adhering to established market practices is the best way to avoid greenwashing before the market becomes more tightly regulated, argue Massimiliano Danusso and Francesca Marchetti

  • The end of "non-financial" reporting and the quest for sustainability standards

    29 April 2021

    Marcio Viegas outlines five actions that need to be taken to make business and finance more sustainable

  • The soufflé of common sense on climate change

    28 April 2021

    With science, policy and capital coming together to help combat warming, we must all be early adoptors, argues Paula DiPerna

  • Putting Coinbase to the test: can crypto ever be sustainable?

    27 April 2021

    Its enormous emissions aren't Coinbase's only, or even biggest, problem, argues Patrick Wood Uribe

  • Greening sovereign debt

    27 April 2021

    Risk pricing in sovereign debt markets needs to better reflect the impact of natural capital on nations' productivity and resilience, argues Simon Zadek

  • Emerging market sustainable bonds deliver 'more impact'

    26 April 2021

    Despite the misconception, market experts explained that emerging market sustainable bonds can deliver more impact for investors than developed market paper. Ahren Lester reports

  • 'Sustainable' food production investment at inflection point - Pictet

    23 April 2021

    A growing investment opportunity set awaits investors in the theme of nutrition, Mayssa Al Midani tells Michael Hurley