
  • Three ways business will be crucial in achieving global climate goals

    24 May 2021

    Every company has a role to play, no matter where they currently are on the green transition, argue Steve Varley and Orlan Boston

  • Will the real REDD+ step forward

    20 May 2021

    Paris Agreement-approved rainforest conservation carbon credits will rescue net-zero carbon goals, argues Kevin Conrad

  • IEA net-zero roadmap 'turning point' for energy sector ahead of COP26

    18 May 2021

    After years of being judged a climate modelling laggard, the IEA has published a 'landmark' net-zero emissions roadmap which campaigners say raises the stakes for governments and companies ahead of the COP26 summit. Ahren Lester reports

  • Harnessing export credit agencies for impact

    17 May 2021

    Private debt funds set for launch could show how a 'little-known, $250 billion industry' can drive positive impact, Hussein Sefian tells Michael Hurley

  • Without metals, there can be no energy transition

    17 May 2021

    Demand for metals is set to rise exponentially with the growth of renewable energy and electric vehicles, writes Michel Wiskirski

  • Illegal wildlife trade and investors

    14 May 2021

    Why should institutional investors be concerned about the illegal wildlife trade and what can they do to prevent it, ask Rory Sullivan and Steve Watson

  • German insurers are risking their climate credibility

    12 May 2021

    By continuing to do coal business on the side and insuring new oil and gas projects, German insurers are putting their climate credibility at risk, warn Peter Bosshard and Regine Richter

  • Dietary preferences shifting up to three times faster in Asia - Proterra

    11 May 2021

    Younger generations' embrace of plant-based diets means investment opportunity in food abounds across Asia, Tai Lin tells Michael Hurley

  • ESG 'rapidly evolving' in cat bond market despite lack of deals

    10 May 2021

    Willis Re Securities' Quentin Perrot tells Ahren Lester that 2021 could finally see the emergence of ESG-labelled cat bonds, as the insurance-linked security market increasingly takes its potential seriously

  • Union Investment working on 'transition' scores for companies

    06 May 2021

    The German asset manager is preparing to increase its scrutiny of companies' transition strategies, Henrik Pontzen tells Peter Cripps