
  • Finance must no longer profit from environmental crimes

    24 January 2022

    It is time to use anti-money laundering rules to end investment gains from environmental crimes, argues Simon Zadek

  • The EU's taxonomy: the mess we're in

    21 January 2022

    The EU has got itself in a mess over the taxonomy. What are its possible routes out, asks Kate Levick

  • 64 shades of green

    18 January 2022

    Data is just the beginning and not the solution for the financial industry, argue Sandro Schmid and Egor Maslov

  • Investors won't be swayed by nuclear, gas taxonomy inclusion

    14 January 2022

    Investors are unlikely to integrate nuclear or gas into their 'green' strategies, Aream's Markus Voigt tells Ahren Lester

  • Too many metrics?

    14 January 2022

    Asset owners want clarity on impact metrics, according to GIIN research. Michael Hurley reports

  • 'The transition will not be smooth, or socially just'

    13 January 2022

    The shift to a net-zero economy will bring upheaval and job losses, warns Zurich's Peter Giger. Madeleine Jenkins reports

  • Sustainability disclosure requirements won't be enough

    12 January 2022

    Regulations and disclosure requirements are too easy to skirt. We need concrete plans of action which reflect the irreversible nature of the ongoing climate crisis, argue David Ko and Richard Busellato

  • Taxonomygate

    10 January 2022

    Up to 1.4 billion tonnes of 'green' CO2e emissions in leaked EU taxonomy proposal, argues Andreas Hoepner

  • Real estate as urban carbon storage

    05 January 2022

    Wood-based real estate represents remarkable potential for storing carbon removed from the atmosphere by forests, write Olli Haltia and Beata Rantaeskola

  • Engagement should not be an excuse for inaction on climate change

    04 January 2022

    Insurance companies need to show progress in their climate dialogue or stop underwriting oil and gas production, writes Peter Bosshard