
  • The future of sustainable finance is political

    21 February 2022

    Wrangling over the EU Taxonomy shows the future of sustainable finance is inherently political, argues Will Martindale

  • A 'year of records' for LGX

    18 February 2022

    The ground-breaking Luxembourg Green Exchange set fresh records in 2021, Laetitia Hamon tells Ahren Lester

  • Mobilising private debt to support the hydrogen industry

    17 February 2022

    The sector's transition to commercial scale requires direct and massive involvement by the banking sector, says Anne-Christine Champion

  • ETFs will help Engine No.1 accelerate climate action

    16 February 2022

    ETFs are the latest tool in the activist investor's armoury, Yasmin Dahya Bilger tells Thomas Cox

  • 30 years of impact

    14 February 2022

    Amy Domini argues the breakthrough to the mainstream of sustainable and impact investing shows the field has fulfilled its early promise. Michael Hurley reports

  • It's possible to make progress on an uncertain path to net zero

    14 February 2022

    As the number of net zero pledges grows, carbon finance can help companies show impact on a challenging road ahead, says Saskia Feast

  • Impact-Weighted Accounts set for overhaul as it eyes international stage

    10 February 2022

    The Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative is preparing to overhaul its strategy, Michael Hurley writes

  • South Pole: We are turning away business

    10 February 2022

    The offsetting firm is expanding rapidly to cater for the boom in demand, Renat Heuberger tells Thomas Cox

  • An Islamic view of sustainable finance

    09 February 2022

    Islamic finance could play a significant role in the move to a sustainable economy but is being ignored, according to an expert in the UK. Genevieve Redgrave reports.

  • Impact reporting: a work in progress

    08 February 2022

    Green bond impact reporting growing significantly, but problems remain, an Environmental Finance webinar heard. Genevieve Redgrave reports