
  • Food & land systems - the secret weapon in the war on climate

    09 March 2022

    Clean energy is not enough to get the world to 1.5֯ C. Mass reforestation and linking agriculture with carbon pricing are critical to emissions reduction, argues Tanya Khotin

  • Comment: The double materiality of gender diversity

    08 March 2022

    The same way climate change won't be curbed with recycling and paper cups in offices, gender equality won't be achieved just through insurers' HR policies, insurers need to use their investments to have impact. Abbie Wood writes

  • Insurers begin long countdown to net zero - part two

    07 March 2022

    Some of the world's biggest insurers have joined the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance. But should they still be underwriting fossil fuels, asks Thomas Cox

  • Chile sends 'strong message' to sustainability-linked bond market

    07 March 2022

    Amid rising scrutiny of sustainability-linked bonds, Chile's debt head Patricio Sepúlveda Carmona hopes its landmark sovereign bond can set a strong baseline for future issuers. Ahren Lester reports

  • Insurers begin long countdown to net zero

    04 March 2022

    Some of the world's biggest insurers have joined the Net Zero Insurance Alliance. What challenges have they confronted so far, asks Thomas Cox

  • Climate adaptation: we must catch up decades in a few years

    01 March 2022

    The IPCC report has highlighted the urgent need for adaptation finance, says Urs Dieterich

  • ESG Data Trends in Asia-Pacific

    28 February 2022

    ESG is re-shaping corporate sustainability in the region, argues Paul Wenman

  • Is it right to spin-off brown companies?

    25 February 2022

    Rather than spinning off brown companies, a socially responsible shareholder should instead support an in-house transition, argue Martin Fleischer and Maurizio Parenti

  • Pass the Dutchie

    24 February 2022

    A new sustainable bond fund excludes Dutch and Australian sovereign bonds. Peter Cripps reports

  • RobecoSAM Smart Energy - the brightest again

    22 February 2022

    After a tumultuous year for renewables stocks, the drive for semiconductors is here to stay, Roman Boner tells Madeleine Jenkins