
  • UOB is prepared to walk away from customers in pursuit of net zero

    18 March 2022

    UOB is preparing for the challenge of reaching net-zero, and ready to leave some of its investments behind, it tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • SEC and climate disclosures: what investors want

    18 March 2022

    The SEC is releasing proposed climate disclosure rules on Monday. The largest US investors want varying levels of climate information, consultation responses reveal. Michael Hurley reports

  • Green bond fund assets reach $25bn- table

  • Green bond fund assets reach $25bn

    17 March 2022

    Despite challenging market conditions, total assets in green bond funds hit $25 billion at the end of 2021. Ahren Lester reports

  • Impact-washing demands safeguards

    17 March 2022

    Safeguards against false claims of positive impact are necessary to protect the market, writes Alberto Monzonis

  • Infrastructure key to hitting net-zero

    15 March 2022

    Sustainable infrastructure investments are growing, but not quickly enough, Henri Blas tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Impact investing - what's the trade-off?

    15 March 2022

    Investing to advance the UN SDGs involves trade-offs - but tools to minimise these are in development, writes Sebnem Sener

  • Pictet Water bursts through $10bn mark

    14 March 2022

    Boring is good, the water fund's portfolio manager tells Thomas Cox

  • Great expectations

    10 March 2022

    The financial industry isn't going to save the planet - but it has a role to play, says Hans Stoter

  • Q&A with IFC's Pushkala Ratan

    10 March 2022

    IFC's senior climate finance specialist for Asia spoke to Environmental Finance following the launch of its Guidelines for Blue Finance