
  • IPBES report 'highlights complexity of valuing nature'

    13 July 2022

    A new report sheds light on how financial considerations do not adequately capture nature's contributions to society, writes Thomas Cox

  • $3trn sustainable bond issuance milestone crossed

    12 July 2022

    Despite a weaker than expected start to 2022, sustainable bond issuance continues to break new ground as it reaches a landmark $3 trillion total. Ahren Lester reports

  • In search of the holy grail

    11 July 2022

    Christopher J Wigley explains how responsible investment can deliver consistently above-index returns

  • Investors 'must get to grips with supply chains'

    08 July 2022

    Investing in sustainably-produced commodities is not enough - they also need to help transform unsustainable supply chains, writes Madeleine Jenkins

  • PRI urges more 'robust' asset owner TCFD implementation

    07 July 2022

    Asset owners need to take 'next steps' on TCFD - particularly on scenario analysis, the PRI tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Comment: SLBs - still a work in progress

    06 July 2022

    Updates to The Principles are welcome but will not solve the problems facing the sustainability-linked bond market, argues Ahren Lester

  • ESG litigation risk rising - part two

    06 July 2022

    The second part of this feature on ESG litigation focuses on the risks facing companies. Thomas Cox reports

  • ESG litigation risk rising

    04 July 2022

    A flood of ESG litigation involving companies and investors is predicted, writes Thomas Cox

  • ESG is not enough

    30 June 2022

    Responsible investment is about more than just integrating ESG factors, argues Christopher J Wigley

  • Island nations study a 'blue carbon' equivalent to REDD+

    28 June 2022

    A platform to develop ocean-based carbon credits is gaining attention from the governments of several island nations, Madeleine Jenkins reports