
  • Biodiversity COP and finance

    15 August 2022

    Ahead of the COP15 biodiversity conference in December, Thomas Cox asks financial experts their hopes for the event

  • The Inflation Reduction Act: A 'ground-breaking' climate deal

    12 August 2022

    The proposed US bill could have a transformative effect on low-carbon investment, with implications for credit ratings, Michael Hurley writes

  • Baltics 'very attractive' for forestry investors

    11 August 2022

    Countries in the Baltics have become attractive to sustainable land investors as global warming improves growing conditions, INVL's Martynas Samulionis tells Thomas Cox

  • Emerging markets 'generate the most material outcomes'

    10 August 2022

    While emerging markets are behind on ESG, Kunal Desai says this presents an opportunity for investors to drive 'potent' shareholder returns. Genevieve Redgrave reports.

  • ESG data a heightened challenge in emerging markets

    09 August 2022

    Ninety One is looking to step up its transition financing in emerging markets, but data continues to be an obstacle, says its chief sustainability officer Nazmeera Moola

  • Gap growing between climate leaders and laggards in heavy industry

    08 August 2022

    The steel sector is pulling ahead of its peers in climate target-setting and alignment, Adam Matthews writes

  • 'Additionality is the Lord Voldemort of sustainable investing'

    05 August 2022

    Most investors don't want to talk about additionality because it is too tricky, James Gifford tells Peter Cripps

  • The problem with indices

    04 August 2022

    Christopher J Wigley suggests a new type of responsible investment fund that could replace the ETF

  • Comment: Sustainability-linked finance - Failure must be an option

    03 August 2022

    We want issuers of sustainability-linked instrument to miss targets - or else all pretensions of ambition for the transition instrument will wither, writes Ahren Lester

  • Foresight Group eyes more acquisitions

    03 August 2022

    Ricardo Pineiro says the renewables infrastructure and private equity specialist is looking to "turbocharge" its growth, including through more acquisitions. Genevieve Redgrave reports