
  • Asia-focused ESG technology on the rise

    20 February 2023

    Technology built in and for local markets can provide valuable benefits, argues Darian McBain. Genevieve Redgrave reports

  • BP's backtrack is a crucial moment for the say-on-climate movement

    17 February 2023

    After taking the lead for oil companies on climate action, BP has quietly backtracked to take advantage of higher petrol prices. Matt Crossman asks if they've promised to run an Ironman before signing up for a proverbial parkrun

  • After climate, insurers seek to measure their social footprint

    16 February 2023

    The Geneva Association has outlined a framework to assess insurers' impact on society. But why is it needed and how would it operate alongside existing ESG frameworks? Paul Walsh reports

  • Investing in the next Edisons

    14 February 2023

    We need to look beyond renewables to achieve net zero, says Lukasz Michalak

  • Tradeable units - a key ingredient for scaling investment in nature

    10 February 2023

    Verra is working to identify a unit that can be understood by the market in order to be traded, but that also reflects the fact that nature is not fungible, says Sinclair Vincent

  • Water is 'most critical' natural capital factor for investors

    09 February 2023

    Investors should first look at water when kicking off engagement with corporations on natural capital, Jefferies' Grace Elshafei tells Thomas Cox

  • The UK's impact label: an intention to be better than SFDR

    08 February 2023

    The UK is proposing a label for 'impact' funds, in a significant divergence from the EU, but some warn it could add further complication, writes Michael Hurley

  • Assessing the relative transition readiness of real estate sectors

    03 February 2023

    There are significant differences in levels of transition readiness across the real estate sector, argues Matt Soffair, and owners of highly sustainable buildings may benefit from a 'scarcity premium'

  • Calls for the ISSB to place greater focus on transition

    02 February 2023

    Some investors argue the International Sustainability Standards Board needs to place the transition to a net zero economy at the heart of its forthcoming standards. Michael Hurley reports

  • Q&A with Sue Lloyd

    01 February 2023

    Supporting company reporting of sustainability impacts outside the ISSB's financial materiality remit will be part of future work, the vice-chair of the standards body tells Michael Hurley