
  • ESG-dilutive acquisitions becoming a 'deal-breaker'

    05 May 2023

    M&A deals are no longer just about earnings per share, Trisha Taneja tells Ahren Lester

  • ESG and value investing are not mutually exclusive

    04 May 2023

    Value investing takes investors closer to corners of the market where ESG controversies are rife and in sectors that do not always cover themselves in ESG glory, writes Sebastien Mallet

  • Comment: The politicisation of ESG in the US

    03 May 2023

    The anti-ESG movement is winning because it is stifling debate and making sustainable finance toxic, warns Peter Cripps

  • Market-wide stewardship driving sustainable outcomes

    03 May 2023

    Manulife Investment Management's Peter Mennie and Brian Kernohan have identified five ways in which the asset manager can exert its investment stewardship to help address systematic issues

  • The impact of listed equities biodiversity funds

    01 May 2023

    As more capital flows to biodiversity-themed listed equities funds, Thomas Cox asks whether it is possible for the strategies to have a positive impact on nature

  • 'Greenwashing claims unlikely' in absence of clear definitions

    28 April 2023

    A 'maelstrom' of regulatory requirements on both sides of the Atlantic has not brought a clear definition of sustainability - which may spare investors from litigation, a webinar heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • The EU's SFDR - is it 'unstable'?

    27 April 2023

    The controversy kicked up by the regulation shows it is having the desired effect of 'separating the wheat from the chaff', argues Sergio de Carvalho

  • Comment: Is the tide turning for SLBs?

    26 April 2023

    After a rough end to 2022 for sustainability-linked bonds, Ahren Lester argues 2023 is showing signs of being a more positive year for the under-pressure instrument

  • GAM: Bank, insurer green bond focus 'amplifies' investment impact

    24 April 2023

    The Swiss asset manager has been "positively surprised" by the financial institution response to engagement by its ground-breaking green bond fund, Ahren Lester reports

  • Investors 'given free hand' to define sustainable investment under SFDR

    19 April 2023

    The European Commission has declined a request to define what constitutes a sustainable investment under SFDR, a decision which has split industry experts, Michael Hurley writes