
  • LeapFrog: reaching emerging markets

    19 May 2023

    There is correlation between impact and returns, according to LeapFrog Investments. Peter Cripps reports

  • AI can help investors stay ahead of climate change

    18 May 2023

    Investors can use artificial intelligence to help portfolio companies tackle climate-related risks, argues Matt Goldklang

  • LGX: Gender-focused bonds are growing, but reporting is limited

    17 May 2023

    A report from Luxembourg Stock Exchange shows the market for gender-focused bonds deserves better impact reporting. Ahren Lester reports

  • GSAM: 36% of European investors ready to invest in social bonds

    16 May 2023

    More investors are expected to switch some of their conventional bond allocation to social bonds, Bram Bos tells Ahren Lester

  • IFC: We need more bankable projects

    15 May 2023

    Climate head Vivek Pathak tells Peter Cripps that the development finance institute is spending a record amount on climate-related activities, but still needs more projects

  • Take ESG ratings with a pinch of salt, says Stewart Investors

    12 May 2023

    Reliance on 'meaningless' ESG ratings could jeopardise the credibility of sustainable finance, Stewart Investors tells Genevieve Redgrave

  • Sneak peek: The CBI's resilience taxonomy blueprint

    11 May 2023

    The Climate Bonds Initiative's blueprint is intended to provide a practical tool for financial markets to intensify their focus on adaptation and resilience investments, writes Ahren Lester

  • Navigating sustainable finance standards: speaker Q&A

    10 May 2023

    In response to a recent Environmental Finance webinar on sustainable finance standards, we have hand-picked a selection of the audience questions for the panel to answer.

  • Assessing the departures from the Net Zero Insurance Alliance

    09 May 2023

    Antitrust concerns are being used as a political cudgel by the fossil fuel industry and its political servants in the US, writes Peter Bosshard

  • The opportunities of the environmental transition

    08 May 2023

    The energy transition is expected to account for $4 trillion in global annual investment over the next ten years, writes Lombard Odier's Frédéric Rochat