
  • Clicking past coal

    01 February 2008

    Google's charitable foundation aims to be as disruptive as its parent company. Trevor Curwin talks to Dan Reicher, its man charged with making renewables cheaper than coal

  • Managing risk and adding value

    01 February 2008

    Environmental and social risk management in project finance, if done properly, can add value to project sponsors and financing institutions – as well as to the environment and local stakeholders, says Robert Montgomery

  • Financing dangerous climate change

    01 February 2008

    Rainforest Action Network is calling for a moratorium on the financing of new coal-fired power plants. William Barclay and Rebecca Tarbotton explain why

  • AIMing for growth in 2008?

    01 February 2008

    Can London's Alternative Investment Market defend its position as the exit of choice for clean-tech entrepreneurs in 2008? Saul Sender ­considers their options

  • Laying the foundations for growth

    01 December 2007

    Investors may be increasingly backing renewable energy and energy efficiency in Asia – but more could be done to ensure their growth, says Mike Allen

  • Putting steel into the ground

    01 December 2007

    By the time this issue of Environmental Finance lands on our readers' desks, the UN climate talks in Bali will have concluded. It's impossible to predict what – if anything – substantive will emerge from the Indonesian island, after two weeks of negotiations, horse-trading, furious lobbying and, indeed, fairly furious reporting.

  • Adding a dose of complexity

    01 December 2007

    Emissions trading systems are based on traditional economic theory – but the new discipline of 'complexity economics' raises profound questions over their role in tackling climate change, says Nick Silver

  • Learning the lessons from the US credit crunch

    01 December 2007

    John Palmisano considers what lessons investors in green assets can learn from the collapse of the US housing market

  • Breaking the green tax logjam

    01 December 2007

    New taxes may be political anathema, but a shift towards environmental taxation must be embraced if we're to ­tackle climate change, argues Paul Ekins

  • Scaling up clean-tech

    01 December 2007

    As head of Citi's clean-tech private equity unit, Andrew de Pass has $2 billion of the bank's capital to invest. He tells Mark Nicholls how he plans to deploy it