
  • Tough times for managers

    01 March 2008

    Carbon funds can offer institutional investors a convenient – and lucrative – entry into the carbon market. But current market uncertainty is making them a tough sell. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Making the climate change play

    01 March 2008

    It is a torrid time to be investing in, well, pretty much anything at the moment. Gold looks quite attractive, and the Financial Times recently reported on how pawnbrokers were thriving, as the banks turn their backs on the higher credit risk end of the retail market.

  • Do we need financial additionality?

    01 March 2008

    Financial additionality' tests for greenhouse gas offset projects have their drawbacks, but the emerging US carbon market should not ignore them, says Bill Reynolds

  • Options on exchanges

    01 March 2008

    As investor interest in trading carbon credits grows, exchanges are working furiously to attract financial players. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Tracking climate change

    01 March 2008

    Index designers are rushing to meet investor demand for global warming-themed investments, reports Jess McCabe

  • Confidence in carbon

    01 March 2008

    Marco Monroy was entering into carbon contracts when others had given up on the Kyoto Protocol. He tells Mark Nicholls how MGM has evolved with the market

  • Sending the right signals?

    01 March 2008

    The European Commission's energy and climate package has set the stage for massive growth in renewable energy. But, asks Coralie Laurencin, has it done enough to convince investors?

  • Two years and counting

    01 February 2008

    The Bali climate negotiations set the clock ticking on two years of negotiations to craft a new international emissions regime. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Europe's climate change vision

    01 February 2008

    On 23 January, the European Commission set out its vision for the EU's energy and climate policy to 2020 and beyond. The big picture numbers came as no surprise – a 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by 2020, and 20% of the bloc's energy to come from renewables by the same date.

  • Price is not enough

    01 February 2008

    Putting a price on carbon through the tax system is difficult, controversial and will only get us so far. A cap on greenhouse gas emissions is also needed, says Jonathan Lash