
  • Clean air jump-start

    01 October 2008

    As the US political system finally gears up to address greenhouse gas emissions, Michael Northrop and David Sassoon argue that the basis for swift federal action is already in place: the Clean Air Act

  • The rise of the sovereigns.

    01 October 2008

    Could the growing influence of sovereign wealth funds increasingly be felt in environmental markets? Jeremy Lovell reports

  • The next chapter

    01 October 2008

    Reto Ringger, founder and chief executive of SAM Group, is stepping down after 13 years at the helm. He talks to Mark Nicholls about building a pioneer of sustainability investing – and his next steps

  • When it comes to the crunch…

    01 October 2008

    With financial markets reeling, and the global economy spluttering, fears are growing over the outlook for the environmental technology sector. But, argues Ian Simm, even a worldwide slump is unlikely to completely reverse its fortunes

  • Beyond CAIRing?

    01 September 2008

    The US courts have shattered the programme to control power plant SO2 and NOx pollution via emissions trading. Plans are under way for a quick fix, but massive uncertainties lie ahead, reports Christopher Cundy

  • If they must meddle…

    01 September 2008

    Government intervention to ensure environmental outcomes is often misjudged and market-distorting. But if they must intervene, clean-tech investor Richard MacKellar suggests how

  • Peering through the smoke

    01 September 2008

    It's no way to run an environmental market. It's no way to run any kind of market. Since July, the US markets for sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) allowances have been in crisis, following an unexpected judicial decision that threw out pretty much the entire underpinning of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) strategy on the two pollutants.

  • Feeling the cold?

    01 September 2008

    One year on, and the banking sector's recovery from the credit crunch seems no closer. So what does this mean for their emerging environmental markets businesses? Tricia Holly Davis reports

  • More action than meets the eye?

    01 September 2008

    India's recently unveiled climate change action plan disappointed many foreign observers. But, say Bishal Thapa and Ritika Goel, they should look again

  • The age of substantiation

    01 September 2008

    Companies meeting commitments to corporate social responsibility using the voluntary environmental markets are driving the latter's triple-digit growth. But, say John Melby and Reiner Musier, it's not just about doing the right thing – it's about being able to prove it