
  • Corporate responsibility on the curriculum

    01 November 2008

    Sustainability and corporate responsibility issues are changing the shape of MBA programmes at many leading business schools. Elisabeth Jeffries reports

  • Defining the climate opportunity

    01 November 2008

    The first step in exploiting an investment theme is defining it. Joaquim de Lima and Kevin Bourne explain HSBC's thinking about climate change.

  • Under the hammer

    01 November 2008

    The recent auction of allowances for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative marked the beginning of carbon constraints on the US economy. Gary Helm reports

  • A New Deal for the environment

    01 November 2008

    Just as the Depression spawned the New Deal, the current financial crisis should prompt a Green New Deal, argues Achim Steiner

  • The East is ready

    01 November 2008

    China presents the biggest challenge to the global climate – and the biggest opportunity to solve the problem. Mark Nicholls talks to Changhua Wu who, as the Climate Group's China head, is at the heart of efforts to decarbonise the country's economy

  • Property begins to measure up

    01 November 2008

    Sustainable buildings are beginning to be seen as better investments, but by how much and over what timeframe are questions than need answering, says Keith Bugden

  • Back on track?

    01 November 2008

    Congress has finally renewed crucial renewable energy tax credits – but with the wind and biodiesel sectors already anxiously looking to their next renewal, and recession looming, it's not all good news for the sector. Gloria Gonzalez reports

  • Seeking academic success in sustainability

    01 October 2008

    Alex Roberts and Jennifer Johnson summarise the findings of a recent study into the strategies that lead to success for academic sustainability centres

  • A changing landscape

    01 October 2008

    As multinational corporations and the finance sector increasingly confront the world's environmental challenges, the skillsets they require of their senior executives are changing, says Marc Sanglé-Ferrière

  • Looking out for the ratepayers

    01 October 2008

    Cameron Prell considers how carbon constraints in US power markets are likely to be paid for