
  • COP28: How Article 6 can leverage the voluntary carbon market

    24 November 2023

    As Article 6 policymakers design a new global carbon market, employing proven solutions will accelerate implementation, writes Xpansiv CEO John Melby

  • Orchards are fruitful ground for climate action

    23 November 2023

    Planting orchards can have dual positive impact by encouraging carbon sequestration and healthy food, Alvaro Aguirre writes

  • Sustainable bonds are 'stretching for smaller sovereigns'

    22 November 2023

    New Zealand struggled to find adequate eligible projects for its issue, necessitating robust management of its green spending. Ahren Lester writes

  • The Future of ESG Data, Asia: conference round-up

    21 November 2023

    The region faces unique challenges, including that many SMEs are not able or willing to report the ESG data being demanded of them. Peter Cripps reports

  • 'Only Asian investors seem to understand Asian issuers'

    20 November 2023

    Emerging market green bonds may need credit enhancement to attract Western investors, Golden Tree's David Oum told Environmental Finance ESG in Fixed Income Asia. Ahren Lester reports

  • The rise of responsible investment in Asia: A focus on transition finance

    17 November 2023

    Asian efforts to catalyse transition finance present lessons for the rest of the world, Romain Pison writes

  • The ISSB: turning to implementation

    16 November 2023

    The ISSB would consider creating a standard for SMEs if it would help them work with investors and other corporate clients, its vice-chair Jindong Hua reveals in a Q&A

  • Scope 4 emissions: opportunity or wrong turn?

    15 November 2023

    Companies should focus on reducing emissions - not complex calculations of avoided emissions, argues Geoffroy Marcassoli

  • Impact fund selection: weeding out 'window dressing'

    13 November 2023

    Impact-focused limited partners are using frameworks including the EU's SFDR to root out misleading claims of impact. Michael Hurley reports

  • Unlocking the potential of catalytic capital

    10 November 2023

    Catalytic capital can be transformative in supporting private investors to deploy capital at scale for a just transition to net zero, writes Kieron Boyle