Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • SEC: The days of ESG issues not being within the scope of the board are over

    29 June 2021

    Corporate boards need more expertise on ESG climate risk to improve their engagement in the area, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) commissioner Allison Herren Lee has said.

  • S&P: Corporate climate data misuse causing greenwashing

    28 June 2021

    The unintentional misuse of climate data in risk analysis by corporations is causing 'greenwashing', S&P Global Ratings has said.

  • Gold Standard tightens carbon credits guide to stop double counting

    25 June 2021

    Voluntary carbon market certification company Gold Standard is to change its guidelines in a bid to crack down on the risk that offsets are 'double counted'.

  • EBA to include ESG risk in supervision changes

    23 June 2021

    The European Banking Authority (EBA) will publish disclosure requirements on ESG risks later this year following a consultation on the topic it launched in March.

  • Two in five financial advisers find ESG research 'confusing', Aegon UK says

    23 June 2021

    Some 38% of financial advisers are frustrated by "confusing" ESG research, a survey by Aegon UK has found.

  • Bank of Japan to launch climate change investment fund

    21 June 2021

    The Bank of Japan (BOJ) plans to launch a fund later this year for investments in projects that address climate change.

  • Amundi: 'Hot' SLB market set for growth

    21 June 2021

    The sustainability-linked bond (SLB) market is set for strong growth and diversification of issuer types, Amundi has said.

  • 13% of EU funds have already classified themselves as 'sustainable' under SFDR

    18 June 2021

    13% of EU-domiciled funds have initially classified themselves as 'sustainable' under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation...

  • News round-up: BlackRock, UK Infrastructure Bank and Moodys

    17 June 2021
  • 208 FTSE4Good members risk ejection under new climate methodology

    17 June 2021

    208 FTSE4Good constituents have been given a year to improve their climate scores...