Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • BlueOrchard raises $200m for emerging markets impact fund

    26 July 2021

    Swiss firm BlueOrchard Finance has raised $207 million at the second closing of its fund for helping emerging markets...

  • Fidelity International to vote against company management for climate inaction

    26 July 2021

    From 2022, US asset management giant Fidelity International will vote against management at companies that fail to address the climate change crisis.

  • Bond round-up: Action Logement, RBC, Seaspan, Royalty Pharma, PPC, Thai Union ... and more

    21 July 2021
  • BlackRock votes against 255 directors for climate concerns

    21 July 2021

    BlackRock Investment Stewardship voted against, or abstained from voting for, the re-election of 255 directors...

  • Bank of Russia recommends companies disclose ESG data

    20 July 2021

    The Russian central bank has "encouraged" domestic public companies disclose environmental, social and governance (ESG) data in line with recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards

  • NN IP: Sovereign green bonds struggle for EU taxonomy alignment

    20 July 2021

    Sovereign green bonds "generally underperform" with regards to their alignment with the EU taxonomy of sustainable activities, according to NN IP, one of the biggest green bond fund managers

  • Implied temperature rise disclosure could be gamed, CDP says

    20 July 2021

    Corporations could manipulate their disclosure of the implied temperature rise associated with investments to make the data look better than the reality, the CDP has warned

  • EU investments classed 'sustainable' fall $1.8trn in wake of action plan

    19 July 2021
  • BOJ to fund climate projects in return for disclosures

    16 July 2021

    The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has said it will help fund financial institutions' projects addressing climate change ...

  • Technological advances lower barriers to entry for spatial finance, study finds

    16 July 2021

    Financial institutions are increasingly using 'spatial finance' data to assess climate risk after technological advances