Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • RBA: Increasing chances of divestment as regulators discuss Australian transition taxonomy

    14 October 2021

    The chances of global investors divesting from companies based in Australia with high greenhouse gas emissions are increasing, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has said, as regulators discuss the prospect of an Australia-focused 'transition taxonomy'.

  • Kunming Declaration agreed at biodiversity COP

    13 October 2021

    The 'Kunming Declaration' on biodiversity has been agreed by more than 100 countries...

  • Hong Kong's net zero plan will 'accelerate' green bond market

    12 October 2021

    Hong Kong is looking to attract private investment, as it invests HK$240 billion ($31 billion)

  • Willis Towers Watson hopes $1bn will track new climate transition index

    11 October 2021

    Willis Towers Watson and Qontigo have launched an index that quantifies the impact of transitioning to a low-carbon economy

  • GFANZ calls on G20 to restructure financial system

    11 October 2021

    The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) has called on the G20 to green the global financial system

  • NGFS: How central banks can confront biodiversity risk

    08 October 2021

    Central banks and financial supervisors have been told they can improve their assessment of the relationship between financial stability and biodiversity, including by developing their own "ad hoc methodological approaches that better capture the risk of biodiversity impacts".

  • ESG 'ratings' term does a disservice to the industry, says FactSet

    07 October 2021

    The terminology used to describe ESG ratings could harm the industry producing them...

  • SEC's Lee has 'great concern' about ESG disclosures of private companies

    06 October 2021

    A prominent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Commissioner has voiced concern about private companies potentially facing less scrutiny on ESG disclosures than public companies.

  • Green Finance Institute framework targets improved UK real estate sustainability data

    05 October 2021

    The UK's Green Finance Institute has launched a framework that aims to encourage investment in low-carbon retrofitting of energy-intensive real estate...

  • Canada to expand climate disclosure requirements

    04 October 2021

    The climate-related risk disclosure requirements of financial institutions in Canada will expand, the country's financial regulator has said.