Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • BoA: Climate advisory 'massive opportunity' amid 'death' of coal for power

    25 October 2021

    Bank of America (BoA) is spending much of its advisory time in the middle ground between the green sector and fossil fuels, an executive has said.

  • NYC pension funds pledge $37bn for climate solutions as they go net-zero

    22 October 2021

    Three New York City pension funds have committed to reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across their portfolios by 2040...

  • Glass Lewis to provide Arabesque S-Ray ESG data in proxy reports

    21 October 2021

    Proxy advisor Glass Lewis will provide clients with ESG data from Arabesque S-Ray in a partnership between the two companies.

  • Cardano acquires £18.5bn sustainable investors ACTIAM

    21 October 2021

    Pensions advisers Cardano has acquired sustainable investors ACTIAM, which manages £18.5 billion ($26 billion) of assets...

  • 27 of 29 NZAOA members fulfil commitments in time

    20 October 2021

    27 out of 29 members of the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA) that joined early have fulfilled all the decarbonisation target-setting requirements...

  • Bond round-up: KfW, Micron, Blackstone, Triodos, Wesfarmers, KommuneKredit ... and more

    20 October 2021
  • UK climate disclosures mandatory within three years

    19 October 2021

    Climate-related financial disclosures that will align with forthcoming standards to be drawn up by the International Sustainability Standards Board will become "mandatory" in the UK for investors in two or three years, the government has said.

  • Immediate action needed to keep 1.5°C in sight, says PRI

    18 October 2021

    As governments prepare to start the COP26 negotiations at the end of the month, they have been warned that an immediate ramp-up in energy & land use policy is needed to keep the goal of restricting warming to 1.5°C in sight.

  • NDB: Blue bonds as big as green bonds in 10 years

    15 October 2021

    The 'blue' bond market of ocean-related sustainable projects could be as big as the green bond market within a decade, the New Development Bank (NDB) has said.

  • HKMA: Adopting the Common Ground Taxonomy could prove 'tricky'

    15 October 2021

    Hong Kong plans to adopt the international Common Ground Taxonomy being drawn up by the International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF)...