Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • HASI stock plummets after Muddy Waters allegations

    13 July 2022

    The market value of renewables financer Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital (HASI) dropped by almost a fifth (19%) yesterday after Muddy Waters announced a short position in the firm.

  • IPBES report 'highlights complexity of valuing nature'

    13 July 2022

    A new report sheds light on how financial considerations do not adequately capture nature's contributions to society, writes Thomas Cox

  • Pension funds have 'unique' relationship with deforestation

    12 July 2022

    A guide on how pension funds can tackle deforestation, inspired by their association with asset managers, has been launched by Global Canopy, Make My Money Matter and SYSTEMIQ.

  • $7trn investor group demands corporate mental health disclosure

    11 July 2022
  • Sainsbury's living wage vote 'breaks new ground'

    08 July 2022

    A resolution for UK supermarket Sainsbury's to extend the living wage to indirectly employed staff received 17% support from shareholders...

  • LOIM launches food fund with CHF200m assets

    07 July 2022

    Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM) has launched a sustainable food-focused listed equity fund with CHF200 million ($206 million) in assets.

  • Bond round-up: AIB, Swedish Export Credit, Generali, PKO Bank ... and more

    06 July 2022
  • Actis buys 'significant' stake in Brazilian renewables firm

    06 July 2022
  • R&M launches 'enabler' sustainable fund

    06 July 2022
  • Impact Cubed launches impact reporting consultation

    06 July 2022