Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • Schroders warns of 'profound' financial biodiversity impact

    13 October 2022

    Biodiversity impacts will radically transform entire industries if policy fails to adequately take them into account, an executive at Schroders has said.

  • Bond round-up: Enel, PIF, BBVA, Switzerland, Philippines, Tokyo Tech ... and more

    12 October 2022
  • Pictet: Investor awareness of biodiversity materiality five years behind climate

    12 October 2022

    Investors' awareness of the financial materiality of companies' impacts on biodiversity is generally around five years behind that of climate, an executive at Pictet Asset Management has said.

  • Carney: Net Zero Data Public Utility 'essential' to accountability

    10 October 2022

    The development of free platform Net Zero Data Public Utility will be "essential" for developing the accountability and transparency of financial institutions, Mark Carney has said.

  • Water funds see returns sink

    10 October 2022

    Almost all European or Asian water funds posted negative returns over the past year, writes Thomas Cox

  • UK should 'seriously consider' taxonomy timeline after government overhaul

    07 October 2022

    The UK government should reconsider the timeline for its taxonomy of sustainable activities after the entry of Prime Minister Liz Truss' administration, its independent advisory group has said.

  • Bond round-up: UK, CADES, Engie, A2A, Komatsu, Contact Energy ... and more

    05 October 2022
  • Iceberg Data Lab updates biodiversity tool with positive indicator

    05 October 2022

    Iceberg Data Lab has updated its corporate biodiversity footprint analysis tool to enable investors to gauge the positive impact of their portfolios on natural capital.

  • F4B relaunches and plans biodiversity index

    05 October 2022
  • Axa IM: Agrifood biodiversity problem is 'elephant in the room'

    04 October 2022

    The agricultural supply chain's impact on biodiversity is an obvious problem that is being avoided by financial institutions, which often do not know how to address the issue, an executive at Axa Investment Managers (Axa IM) has said.