Taylor Telford

Articles by Taylor Telford

  • Profile: Inflection Point's Carbon Zero strategy

    04 July 2016

    Inflection Point's Carbon Zero strategy offers a way for investors to lower the carbon intensity of their portfolio, and has the potential to outperform. Taylor Telford reports

  • Battery production poses fresh environmental risks to automakers' supply chains

    04 July 2016

    While electric vehicles (EV) are set to have an important role to play in helping tackling climate change, their boom could cause its own environmental problems – through the mining of lithium for the batteries that power them.

  • Investors must step up efforts to measure ESG engagement, Sustainalytics says

    01 July 2016

    Investors are increasingly seeing the merits of engagement, but more effort must be made to measure the environmental and social impacts, Sustainalytics has argued.

  • ESG is intrinsic to fiduciary duty, says coalition

    30 June 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative and The Generation Foundation have released a statement calling on investors to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues as part of their fiduciary duty.

  • CC&L invests in hydro project

    29 June 2016

    Canadian investment management firm Connor, Clark & Lunn Infrastructure is backing a major run-of-river hydro-electric project in British Columbia.

  • Massachusetts plans $250m green bond

    23 June 2016

    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has announced plans for $250 million green bond to finance a range of environmental projects.

  • CalSTRS joins German suits against VW

    22 June 2016

    The California State Teachers' Retirement System (CalSTRS) has joined a lawsuit against Volkswagen (VW) over last year's emissions test scandal.

  • Solar costs to fall by another 50%, says Irena

    22 June 2016

    There is significant potential for further dramatic falls in the cost of solar and wind energy over the next decade, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena).

  • Impax secures loan for Irish wind farm

    21 June 2016

    Impax Asset Management has received a package of bank funding to help build an Irish wind farm.

  • Foresight fund among backers of anaerobic digestion plants

    21 June 2016

    A total of £26.8 million ($39 million) has been raised for two anaerobic digestion plants in Northern Ireland that run on animal waste.