Sophie Robinson-Tillett

Articles by Sophie Robinson-Tillett

  • Macquarie and Santander get behind Foresight Solar Fund with £200m deal

    11 April 2016

    London-listed Foresight Solar Fund has bagged £200 million ($285 million) of backing from Macquarie and Santander.

  • AODP to rate asset managers, ratings agencies and others on climate risk

    11 April 2016

    The Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) will begin assessing ratings agencies and asset managers to help asset owners "hold their agents to account".

  • Green bond expected for smart meters and grid upgrades

    08 April 2016

    An energy distributor is readying itself to issue a green bond to finance smart grids and green buildings, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Investors balk at Yingli's latest plea for bond extension

    07 April 2016

    China's Yingli Green Energy has failed to come to an agreement with bondholders as the deadline for repayment on its medium-term notes looms.

  • PRI appoints associate director for EMEA

    07 April 2016

    The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has appointed a new associate director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

  • AP2 to dedicate 1% of investment to green bonds as market 'achieves maturity'

    06 April 2016

    Swedish pension fund AP2 has decided to allocate 1% of its entire portfolio to green bonds, saying the market has achieved the maturity and size "to justify a separate investment strategy".

  • EIB eyes Orix, Robeco, ADB climate fund

    04 April 2016

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is mulling investing into Asia Climate Partners ahead of its final close in September.

  • Getting to work: the climate-disclosure taskforce's first report

    01 April 2016

    In a bid to promote 'decision-useful' disclosure for investors, the FSB's Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures has released its inaugural report. Sophie Robinson-Tillett reports

  • Foresight to launch unlabelled green bond fund

    30 March 2016

    Foresight Group is fundraising for a €200 million ($226 million) private debt fund dedicated to unlabelled green project bonds.

  • Setting the standard

    30 March 2016

    As the market grows, so too does the number of companies and organisations 'defining' what is acceptable as a green bond. Sophie Robinson-Tillett looks at the patchwork of offerings and how they are set to develop