Rob Langston

Articles by Rob Langston

  • European regulators make recommendations in greenwashing reports

    04 June 2024

    The EU's three principal financial services regulators have called for enhanced supervision and improved market practice on sustainability-related claims in new reports on greenwashing in the financial sector.

  • FIS debuts climate risk modelling solution

    04 June 2024

    FIS has launched Climate Risk Financial Modeler, a new risk offering aimed at helping businesses better assess, reduce and report their exposure to the physical risks of climate change.

  • New CDP platform to streamline disclosure for nature and climate reporting

    04 June 2024

    CDP has launched a new disclosure platform it says will "unlock faster action, harmonise global standards and make disclosure more efficient".

  • European issuers have the best impact reporting track records, EF Data finds

    03 June 2024

    European-based sustainable bond issuers have the best impact reporting track record, with issuers in the Asian and Americas lagging some way behind, research by Environmental Finance Data has revealed.

  • ACCA launches sustainability guide for SMEs

    03 June 2024

    The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has launched a report helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to produce the sustainability-related information required by regulators, investors and other stakeholders.

  • WTW launches climate change risks tool

    03 June 2024

    Consultancy Willis Towers Watson has launched a new tool, 'Climate Quantified', designed to assess how and when physical and transition risks impact a company's operations and assets, including revenue and enterprise value.

  • Asset owners give backing to Climate Action 100+

    30 May 2024

    A group of 44 asset owners representing over $4 trillion in assets have written in support of Climate Action 100+, the investor-led initiative putting pressure on the world's largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters.

  • Investor group backs SEC over courts for shareholder rights

    29 May 2024

    A group of 39 investors representing combined assets under management of $5.2 trillion have backed the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to continue as the preferred arbiter of shareholder proposals in the US.

  • Averon Park plots acquisition of Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company

    29 May 2024

    Sustainable infrastructure investor Averon Park has made a bid to acquire and take private London-listed timber investor Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company in a cash deal valuing the company at £167 million ($212.3 million).

  • Shareholders back Scope 3 targets for Yara International

    29 May 2024

    Support for an unsuccessful resolution at Yara International's AGM to set Scope 3 emissions reduction targets shows an increasing focus on the climate impacts of the fertiliser industry, according to ShareAction.