Peter Cripps

Articles by Peter Cripps

  • BlackRock launches its first sustainable bond ETF

    13 January 2016

    BlackRock has continued to ramp up its range of environmental, social and governance (ESG)-themed products, with the launch of its first sustainable bond exchange traded fund (ETF).

  • Profile: Brown Advisory Large-Cap Sustainable Growth Strategy

    12 January 2016

    Having an environmental strategy can give stocks the edge, Karina Funk tells Peter Cripps

  • HASI agrees $161m term loan for residential solar assets

    08 January 2016

    Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital (HASI) has agreed $161.6 million of debt from Deutsche Bank, secured by the cash-flows generated by rooftop solar assets.

  • OPIC green guarantees rise to nearly $350m following spate of issues

    06 January 2016

    The US government-backed Overseas Private Investor Corporation (OPIC) issued a spate of 'green guarantees' towards the end of 2015, bringing the total amount it has raised and outstanding through these instruments to nearly $350 million.

  • New Forests in sustainable Indonesian rubber deal

    23 December 2015

    Forestry investment manager New Forests has invested in a rubber plantation in Indonesia, in a deal it says will pave the way for more institutional investments in large-scale, sustainable forestry in the country.

  • ING returns to green bond market

    23 December 2015

    ING has issued its second green bond, this time in a private placement that raised $50 million.

  • University of Texas plans $200m green bond

    21 December 2015

    The University of Texas is planning to issue a $200 million green bond to help fund or refinance energy efficient buildings.

  • Which utilities are set to be hit hardest by the Paris climate agreement?

    21 December 2015

    The utilities sector is set to bear the brunt of the Paris climate agreement, as it will require a wholesale shift away from thermal power generation, analysts at UBS have warned.

  • Landmark Paris agreement toasted by investors

    14 December 2015

    Investors were celebrating today after a "historic" climate change agreement was hammered out in Paris, marking a new dawn for clean technologies and low-carbon investors.

  • Investors hope for ambitious Paris agreement this weekend

    11 December 2015

    Investors were cautiously optimistic that the Paris climate summit would over the weekend yield a landmark agreement to tackle emissions.