Peter Cripps

Articles by Peter Cripps

  • HSBC is top underwriter of sustainability bonds in H1

    18 July 2018

    HSBC was the biggest underwriter of sustainability bonds in the first half of 2018, according to figures from Environmental Finance.

  • Credit Agricole tops H1 social bond chart

    18 July 2018

    Credit Agricole was the biggest underwriter of labelled social bonds in the first half of 2018.

  • Comment: The CDM must not make life harder for developers

    16 July 2018

    New CDM issuance rules penalise developers and discriminate against smaller companies, says Alexis Leroy

  • BAML regains top green underwriter spot, as US market 'reawakens'

    13 July 2018

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) has regained the title of leading underwriter in the green bond market, helped by a "reawakening" of the US corporate market.

  • Thoughts on green bonds' legal documents

    13 July 2018

    The sustainable finance market should avoid overreacting to extraordinary events and maintain its market-building approach, argues Aaron Franklin

  • The anatomy of a taxonomy

    11 July 2018

    The European Commission has a highly ambitious target - to develop a taxonomy to define what is green and act as a compass for sustainable finance. But there's a long and rocky road ahead for this controversial initiative, find Nick Roumpis and Peter Cripps

  • Dutch banks draft circular economy finance guidelines

    09 July 2018

    Three Dutch banks have teamed up to launch Circular Economy Finance Guidelines, which they hope will gain global traction.

  • Sovereign wealth funds worth $3trn devise climate framework

    06 July 2018

    Six of the biggest sovereign wealth funds, with a combined $3 trillion in assets, have come together to launch a framework on how to integrate climate change into their investment decisions.

  • Pennon Group inks second green loan

    05 July 2018

    UK waste and water treatment firm Pennon Group has signed two green loans with NAB.

  • Fixed Income and ESG, featuring the Green Bonds Europe conference

    02 July 2018

    More than 300 delegates assembled in London to discuss the rapidly growing green and sustainability bond market, and the broader topic of integrating ESG into fixed income.