Peter Cripps

Articles by Peter Cripps

  • Head of Green Finance Institute calls for 'forceful stewardship'

    12 June 2024

    The head of the UK's Green Finance Institute has called on investors to be "forceful" in their engagement with companies.

  • Sustainalytics updates ESG Risk Ratings

    12 June 2024
  • UBS: We need NDCs for nature

    11 June 2024

    The next biodiversity COP needs to deliver progress on how countries plan to achieve the landmark '30-by-30' targets agreed at the previous meeting in Montreal, to incentive investment, UBS has said.

  • RepRisk launches thematic scoring for companies

    06 June 2024
  • Regenerative agriculture project is first to obtain rating on carbon credits

    06 June 2024

    A regenerative agriculture project in the US has become the first of its kind to gain a rating for the carbon credits it generates.

  • Barclays' Hanna: We need to agree rules of the road on transition

    29 May 2024

    Barclays sees defining transition finance and boosting funding for climate tech as key challenges, Daniel Hanna tells Peter Cripps

  • G20 needs to step up on biodiversity and back TNFD, says GFANZ's Ravenel

    17 May 2024

    The G20 needs to take a lead on addressing biodiversity loss, a representative of a major investor coalition has argued.

  • Corporates hope to stop reporting 'legacy' ESG data points

    16 May 2024

    Corporates are hoping to "weed" out some of the ESG data points they report, an Environmental Finance conference heard, with one saying they currently report more than 2,000.

  • Sustainable infrastructure index launched

    09 May 2024

    V-Square Quantitative Management has launched a sustainable infrastructure index in partnership with Morningstar.

  • Will AI be transformative for ESG data? Part two

    06 May 2024

    The second part of this feature exploring how the AI revolution could transform the ESG data landscape, looks at how AI can be used to generate actionable insights and where it will go next. Peter Cripps reports