Nick Roumpis

Articles by Nick Roumpis

  • Geneva issues first Swiss green bond, worth CHF620m

    10 November 2017

    The Canton of Geneva has issued the first green municipal bond in Switzerland, which is also the inaugural bond in Swiss Francs.

  • Moody's expects at least $120bn of green bonds by end of 2017

    10 November 2017

    Green bond issuance reached fresh highs in the third quarter and is on track to set a new record of at least $120bn in 2017, according to Moody's Investors Service.

  • Climate tool for financial firms launched at COP23

    10 November 2017

    A tool designed to help share knowledge about how financial firms are integrating climate considerations into their businesses has been launched at the Bonn Climate Summit.

  • EU ETS provisional deal will leave scheme 'close to meaningless'

    09 November 2017

    A preliminary deal on reforming the European Union's carbon market was reached today, but came under fire for failing to go far enough to tackle the oversupply problems that have dogged it in recent years.

  • Green bond round-up, 8 November 2017

    08 November 2017

    China Development Bank (CDB) has revealed plans to issue its inaugural international green bond.

  • FTSE Russell adds Aled Jones to ESG team

    08 November 2017

    FTSE Russell has bolstered its sustainable investment team with the appointment of Aled Jones as head of sustainable investment for EMEA.

  • KBI launches new infrastructure-focused strategy

    08 November 2017

    KBI Global Investors has launched a new strategy focusing on publicly traded companies active in sustainable infranstructure.

  • HSBC commits $100bn to fight climate change by 2025

    07 November 2017
  • GCF expects disbursements to reach $900m in 2018

    07 November 2017

    The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is projecting a sharp increase of its disbursements for 2018, an implication that a number of projects currently in the pipeline will be implemented.

  • Companies becoming big spenders on water security

    07 November 2017

    Big corporates are investing in water security at record levels while some of them are starting to adopt internal water pricing policies, a report has found.