Nick Roumpis

Articles by Nick Roumpis

  • Platina offloads UK wind farms to Gravis for £52m

    20 November 2017

    Platina Energy Partners has concluded its second sale in less than a month, as it offloaded five wind farms to Gravis Capital Management.

  • SUSI energy storage fund signs "milestone" C$120m facility

    20 November 2017

    SUSI Energy Storage Fund (SESF) has signed a financing facility of C$120 million ($93.9 million) with energy storage company NRStor C&I, marking a "major milestone" for the Canadian energy market.

  • Axa calls for TCFD to be made mandatory

    20 November 2017

    Financial disclosures on climate risk should become mandatory – as they are in France, according to an executive from insurance giant Axa.

  • 'Incredible week' as green bond market breaks $100bn barrier

    17 November 2017

    The green and social bond market saw a frenzy of activity this week, after a spate of issues that should propel the green bond market through the $100 billion barrier for the first time.

  • Knight to lead HSBC's new sustainable finance centre

    17 November 2017

    Zoe Knight has taken a new role at HSBC as group head of the recently launched Centre of Sustainable Finance.

  • InsuResilience set to deploy $550m

    16 November 2017

    An international initiative that aims to provide insurance to 400 million poor and vulnerable people by 2020 has announced additional funding and signed up new partners.

  • Societe Generale responds to SDGs with new initiative

    15 November 2017

    Societe Generale is creating a new initiative to help finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • IEA's new Sustainabilty scenario requires $69 trillion of investment

    15 November 2017

    The International Energy Agency (IEA)'s new scenario based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require $69 trillion by 2040.

  • Greensphere eyes up to $500m through London IPO

    13 November 2017

    Jon Moulton's Greensphere Capital Partners is looking to list a new sustainability focused vehicle on the London Stock Exchange.

  • EIB and China working on "Rosetta Stone" of green finance

    13 November 2017

    An initiative to harmonise taxonomies for eligible environmental projects in the green bond market could lead to the creation of a common language applicable across green finance more broadly.