Nick Roumpis

Articles by Nick Roumpis

  • Barclays launches suite of green corporate products

    15 December 2017

    Barclays has followed up on its inaugural green bond issue with the introduction of a range of green corporate banking products.

  • European banks focus on green tagging to drive energy efficiency

    15 December 2017

    Green tagging is emerging as a key strategy for leading European banks looking to scale up financing of energy-efficient real estate, a report has found.

  • Green bonds round-up, 14 December 2017

    14 December 2017
  • Natixis becomes latest firm to stop lending tar sands and Arctic oil

    13 December 2017

    Natixis has been added to the growing list of financial institutions that are walking away from tar sands and Arctic oil.

  • Dutch financial firms take action on carbon footprint

    13 December 2017

    Twelve Dutch financial institutions have developed a methodology for measuring the carbon footprint of their investments and loans.

  • Axa targets €12bn of green investments and dumps coal and oil sands projects

    12 December 2017

    Axa has quadrupled its green investment target and said it plans to divest €2.4 billion ($2.8 billion) from coal-related companies, as it ramps up its efforts to fight climate change.

  • $26trn of investors sign up to climate engagement initiative

    12 December 2017

    More than 200 global institutional investors with over $26.3 trillion in assets have joined forces in a collaborative engagement initiative to drive swifter corporate action on climate change.

  • ING targets "close-to-zero" coal exposure by 2025

    12 December 2017

    ING has introduced a "sharpened" coal policy that will see the bank gradually phase out nearly all lending to coal-related businesses by 2025.

  • Societe Generale follows BNP in walking away from oil sands

    11 December 2017

    Societe Generale has committed €100 billion towards financing the energy transition by 2020 and will stop lending to oil sands and Arctic oil projects.

  • Investors demand ESG rating is published alongside credit rating

    11 December 2017

    A group of institutional investors have signed a declaration urging bond issuers to communicate their environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating in addition to their credit rating.