Michael Hurley

Articles by Michael Hurley

  • Simplified EU taxonomy could be global baseline, UK expert suggests

    10 November 2022

    A simplified EU taxonomy of sustainable activities would help pave the way for its adoption globally as a starting point on which other jurisdictions could more easily build, according to the chair of the UK's taxonomy advisory group.

  • COP27: Significant gaps in sovereign ESG data, finds expert alliance

    09 November 2022

    Significant data gaps in areas required to assess sovereign performance on sustainability have been highlighted that should be addressed with urgency, in a report by a group of major data providers.

  • COP27: Net-Zero Banking Alliance calls for banks to plug gaps in targets

    09 November 2022

    The UN-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) has called for accelerated action by its bank members after its first progress report revealed gaps in target-setting in key areas.

  • Look past ESG scores to hedge climate risks, Fed study says

    07 November 2022

    A sample investment portfolio of stocks with low carbon intensity proved a better hedge against an unexpected climate shock than one constituted of firms with a relatively good environmental score, according to a study by the US Federal Reserve.

  • TCFD for social issues being developed by business group

    04 November 2022

    An equivalent disclosure framework for social issues based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is being developed to help companies and investors, Environmental Finance can reveal.

  • UK 'remains committed to' green taxonomy

    03 November 2022

    The UK government remains committed to establishing a green taxonomy, according to a political advisor.

  • SEC adopts rule to boost transparency of proxy votes

    03 November 2022

    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted a rule that it says will improve the availability and comparability of information on investors' proxy votes.

  • ISSB to require climate-related scenario analysis

    02 November 2022
  • Capital requirement hike looms if banks miss climate deadlines, ECB warns

    02 November 2022

    Banks in the EU have been given deadlines by the European Central Bank (ECB) to meet minimum requirements on climate risk management, or potentially face higher capital requirements.

  • Brunel is cornerstone in £90m impact real estate fund

    01 November 2022

    Brunel pension scheme has acted as a cornerstone investor in a fund that aims to invest in impactful real estate investment opportunities.