Joe Walsh

Articles by Joe Walsh

  • PKA divests from five oil companies, considers 44 more

    18 April 2017

    Danish Pension fund PKA has divested from five Canadian oil companies over concerns they are at risk of devaluation amid from attempts to tackle climate change.

  • Fall in clean energy investment due, in part, to better technology - BNEF

    13 April 2017

    Clean energy investments continued to fall in the first quarter of 2017, partly driven by their falling capital costs as the technology gets better according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

  • SDCL to launch two funds following court GIB decision

    12 April 2017

    Sustainable Development Capital Ltd (SDCL) is to launch two new funds following a high court decision rejecting its challenge of the UK government's decision to award Australian bank Macquarie Capital preferred bidder status for the sale of the Green Investment Bank (GIB).

  • GCF rehabilitating hydro is 'shameful' - NGO

    11 April 2017

    The Green Climate Fund's (GCF) decision to rehabilitate a Soviet era dam in Tajikistan has been labelled 'shameful' by one senior analyst.

  • California carbon price jumps following judgment

    10 April 2017

    The price of carbon in California shot up 4% in a day following the state's Court of Appeal judgment that the floor price of the cap-and-trade programme auctions did not constitute a tax.

  • Aviva joins Climate Neutral Now

    10 April 2017

    Aviva has become the first insurance company to join the UN's Climate Neutral Now campaign, committing to maintain its zero-carbon operations status.

  • More than a third of insurers looking to increase ESG allocation

    07 April 2017

    More than a third, 38%, of insurers plan to increase their allocation to ESG strategies over the year, according to a survey by AXA Investment Managers (IM).

  • MSCI launches new ESG risk data tool

    07 April 2017

    MSCI has launched a new tool for assessing environmental, social and governmental (ESG) risks.

  • UK is 'laggard' of Europe for responsible investment

    06 April 2017

    The UK is the laggard of Europe when it comes to responsible investment, according to one fund manager.

  • Water companies outperform other environmental stocks - FTSE Russell

    05 April 2017

    Water companies are the best performers in the FTSE Russell Environmental Opportunities Index Series, outperforming the FTSE All World by 22% over the last five years.